The Libertarian Party of Utah is the party for everyday Utahns who are concerned with the direction Utah is heading. We aim to change the nature of the political debate to favor individual liberty, and to stand for our inherent, natural rights.
Our 2025 Organizing convention will be held April 11-12 at the Hampton Inn in Orem. Register for the convention here!
We hold regular Meetups across Utah, where you can join with other citizens to talk about our concerns and discuss implementable ways to change the course of politics in our state. Click here to find upcoming events near you!
We have developed this website to better serve you. Please join now to stay in touch and learn more about the Utah Libertarian Party. We also encourage you to donate, and also to volunteer - we are a party run from the bottom up, not from the top down. We accept cash contributions at all events or at our office address, checks by mail, and credit card payments through Anedot or Paypal on our donation page.
Register to Vote as a Libertarian in Utah
Barry Short - Chair
Adam Feller - Vice Chair
- Secretary
Justin Evans - Treasurer
Jeremy Baker - Member At Large
Milt McLelland - Member At Large