Membership in the Libertarian Party of Utah is open to anyone who:

  1. pays the required membership dues and is a Utah resident,
  2. manifests his/her agreement with the Statement of Principles of the UTLP by signing the Pledge and is a Utah resident, or
  3. manifests his/her agreement with the Statement of Principles of the UTLP by signing the Pledge and is an appointed alternate delegate to the Libertarian Party national convention.

Libertarian Party of Utah’s Pledge

“I do not believe in nor advocate the initiation of force or fraud as a means of achieving a political or social goal.”

Any member who advocates or manifests behavior inconsistent with the Libertarian Party of Utah’s pledge or principles (see Article Two) may have his/her membership revoked.

Voting Privileges

A minimum $20 annual donation is required to receive voting privileges for party business – in particular the election of party officers, and establishment of platform and bylaws. To become a voting member, please be sure to submit your donation. If you choose to make a monthly donation (which we would greatly appreciate) the cumulative total will satisfy the donation requirement.

Make your one-time (annual) contribution by Paypal:

Donate by Anedot (one-time or monthly recurring donation, use any credit card):

After signing this form you will also be added to our newsletter email list.